Friday 1 April 2022

Friday 1st April 2022

Aki woke ahead of the alarm this morning, and got up and brought me a mug of tea. Got up and made porridge. I worked on mandolin and ukulele chords for "The Wind & The Rain". Aki popped into town to organise something at the Japanese Embassy...paperwork relating to the sale of her father's little plot of land in Kobe. When she came back, I drove her to the DHL drop off point in North Finchley, so she could send paperwork on to the relevant parties in Japan. Then we drove to IKEA in Tottenham and picked up assorted items in the market place...Aki particularly wanting plant pots. Had our lunch in the canteen...meatballs and mash for me, and lamb shank for Aki. Drove home. Chicken tikka masala ready meal for dinner tonight...a good quality one I bought at a farm shop on the A10 a month or so ago. We had it with basmati rice and mini naans. Aki had a zoom meet with her JCUK chums, so I did a bit more work on the song for the show. Bath and bed...

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