Sunday 17 April 2022

Sunday 17th April 2022

Hauled myself out of bed around 0830 and made Aki a cup of tea…had hot cross buns for breakfast. Tony drove us over to the bluebell woods at Guestling for a morning constitutional, Macey running ahead, and going for a doggy paddle in a rather filthy looking pond. Back in time for Sunday lunch at The Beacon, an annual treat. Sat out at a table under a large flowering cherry blossom. Tony drove us down to the station afterward, and we caught the 1526 to Ashford International, changing there for the fast train into Kings Cross St Pancras. The carriage was invaded at Stratford by West Ham fans, who had just watched the Hammers draw with Burnley. Left Katrina to go find herself a Sunday paper, and we got the No.259 bus outside Kings Cross station, which dropped us at Sussex Way. Had soup for dinner. Watched BBC Young Dancer of the Year...some highly talented youngsters on was strangely moving!

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