Sunday 17 April 2022

Friday 15th April 2022

Slow start this morning. Got up around 0930 and had coffee flavoured porridge for breakfast. Headed into town to meet Katrina on the terrace in front of the RFH, where we ate a light lunch purchased in the Riverside Cafe. Walked back over Hungerford Bridge to catch the 1415 from Charing Cross. Tony and Piper met us at Hastings station and we repaired to St Mary’s Terrace. Sat out in the early evening sun with tea and Columba cake. Tony prepared dinner…pan fried cod in lemon butter, a pea and mint purée and dauphinoise potatoes, followed by chocolate brownie. Caught up with Tony, who is looking to buy a property near his mum and dad in Seaford…his dad’s dementia is slowly getting worse and his mum has a carcinoma on her leg…awaiting a prognosis next week! All sounds a bit worrying. Had a shower, then retired to bed...

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