Monday 18 April 2022

Monday 18th April 2022

Woke around 0630 but quickly nodded back off. Next time I awoke it was 0930! We lazed in bed reading for an hour or so, getting into the Bank Holiday vibe. Got up and toasted the two hot cross buns that Margaret from next door had brought round yesterday evening. Cooked up a tomato sauce for Aki to use later on her aubergine parmigiana lasagna. Did some housework, then we walked to Waitrose via Michael's Fruiterers, and Morrisons, to do a bit of a shop. Got back and FaceTimed Kath, who was entertaining ma and pa. They'd enjoyed a roast lamb luncheon. Jim looked well...doing loads of miles on his bike, to and from work. Ma and pa looked good...though dad had had a parking malfunction, seeing the Up drift across Peary Close and narrowly missing a neighbour's car!!! Cooked up a mushroom pasta sauce to stick in the fridge...we'd found a pack of mushrooms in Morrisons for 21p, as today was it's best by date. Aki made her lasagna, which we had for dinner. Drove to Stoke Newington for this evening's rehearsal...Act4 Scs1 & 2. Parked up outside the theatre just as Emma pulled up in her Fiat...she'd just driven up from Totnes, where she'd been on had taken her 8 hours!!! Broke at 2130 and drove home. Bath and bed...

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