Monday 4 April 2022

Monday 4th April 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Dozed to the radio until gone 0900. Struggled with the CPAP machine again last night...had to rip it off at about 0200 in the morning, as my mouth and throat dry out so much it feels like the sides of my throat are stuck together. Have to down a large glass of water. Don't know what's happening...I assume I'm breathing the CPAP air flow in via my mouth rather than the nasal pillow, which is drying out my throat. Any road up, it's badly affecting my voice, which is a worry! Aki made a sardine salad lunch. We took a walk up Highgate Hill for some exercise late afternoon. Did a bit of shopping in Aldi. Walked back home, bumping into Gayu on Sussex Way, who was headed for Waterlow Park. Aki made an aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, followed by her homemade chocolate mousse...she had four egg whites left over from yesterday's cake bake...topped her mousse with whipped cream. Watched a bit of Netflix...gave "Top Boy" a go...set in Hackney's drug dens...Aki found it all too brutal. I rehearsed some lines. Bath and bed.

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