Tuesday 5 April 2022

Tuesday 5th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed for a bit. Got up at 0800 and made tea and porridge. Headed out at 0930 for inspections in Islington, Haringay, and Hackney. Filled up with petrol at Sainsburys in Manor House. Popped back home for lunch, then back out to north-west London. Visited Harlesden, Willesden, Kingsbury, Wembley, and Southall. The Kingsbury inspection took me to Apna Ghar's new offices...I stuck my head in to see if Jay was there, but he'd moved on a couple of years or so ago. Shame...nice bloke. Crawled back along the North Circular, getting home around 1830. We warmed up the leftover chicken chasseur for dinner, then watched a bit of telly. Vaguely interesting documentary on the one-woman Cancel Culture that was Mary Whitehouse. I didn't know that one of the men's magazine publishers had fought back by naming one of their soft-porn publications "Whitehouse"! Bleak news from Ukraine following the withdrawal of Russia's barbarous troops from the northern outskirts of Kyiv...murderous bandits! Hope some of them got their just deserts. Calls for Russia to be expelled from the UN...gets my vote!

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