Monday 25 April 2022

Monday 25th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up at 0800 and made tea, then had porridge for breakfast. Did some work at the computer before heading out in the car to Tottenham and environs. Had lunch in the car, having purchased a mac 'n cheese from Costa on the Tottenham Hale retail park. Then drove south to Thamesmead, before heading back west to a late 19th Century Peabody Estate on the Old Kent Road, near the Bricklayers Arms junction. Got home around 1815. Had to park outside No.99, as they are still digging up the road at our end of the street! Aki cooked up a lentil dahl for dinner, which we had with mushroom rice. Watched a bit of telly...really enjoying "Derry Girls" gets better by the episode...cracking script!

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