Sunday 17 April 2022

Saturday 16th April 2022

Had a rather uncomfortable night on an unfamiliar mattress. Got up and dressed. Tony laid on breakfast downstairs, then drove off to Seaford to take Piper over to his mum and dad’s, and pick up Macey. Katrina had been looking at possible property purchases online in St Leonard’s, so we walked her over there along the seafront. We looked at a street of large Victorian era villas which had mostly been converted into flats. Can’t say I find the area attractive, but she needs to find something that will allow her to release equity on her London flat. 

Had lunch in Kassa on the sea front then wandered up and down Norman Road, which sports one or two interesting galleries and boutique shops. Popped into one gallery, which was selling several interesting framed photos of Jagger and Ronnie Wood, amongst others. Walked back to Hastings via George Street, and an ice cream on the beach. Got the funicular back up West Hill and found Tony sun bathing outside No.12a. Watched the second half of the Liverpool v Man City FA Cup semi final. Tea and cake out front, then walked down to the First In Last Out pub in the Old Town for our dinner. The walk back up the hill was gruelling, though worth it for the view of the moon illuminating the English Channel…slumped on the sofa for a bit before retiring to bed.

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