Sunday 24 April 2022

Sunday 24th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up and made a mug of tea, and some porridge for breakfast. Cycled off to Stoke Newington at 0920, getting to the theatre at about's faster than driving! Had time to get a coffee before going in to rehearse Act 3 Sc2. Matthew (Sir Andrew) was suffering from a hangover after being up late last night, and going to bed betimes! But the session went well, and my voice seemed in remarkably good condition for a 1000 start! Broke at 1115 and cycled over to Springfield Park.

Nice sunny afternoon in prospect for the first Rowing Club regatta of the season on the River Lea. Aki cycled over with some sandwiches, and we bought some cake from the cake stall before watching a bit of the racing...can't say it's ever grabbed my attention as a spectator sport. Cycled home. Cooked the pork shoulder, which we had with sauteed potatoes and chargrilled broccoli. Watched a bit of telly...really enjoying the BBC Young Dancer of 2022...very inspiring young talent involved. Phoned ma and pa who were about to watch John Simm's new TV drama, "Grace". They seemed in good fettle, dad having been working in the garden, and they had enjoyed a day trip to Druridge Bay which had involved various locals asking them if they had broken down, or needed directions. Macron managed to keep Le Pen at bay in French Presidential elections today...a little bit of good news at last!!!

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