Sunday 10 April 2022

Sunday 10th April 2022

Aki up and about at 0830, keen to get ready to cycle over to the rowing club. She hasn't been for ages. Nice day for it. I got up and made some coffee flavoured porridge for breakfast. Did a bit of work on my lines, and prepared some lunch for Sir Andrew Aguecheek. Matthew turned up at 1400. Not sure he particularly enjoyed my Korean vegetable pancakes, but he gobbled up the raspberry spoom alright! Worked on some basic guitar accompaniment to "The Wind & The Rain"...then set off in the car for Tamara's pad and music rehearsal with Joel and Callum. Hard's a very difficult song to nail down...but we're getting there. Repaired to the theatre to work on Act 3 Sc2, which went well. I had a break, so nipped out for a KFC burger. Bumped into my old flatmate Chris, and his son Charlie...haven't seen them for years. Charlie, who is now a Hollywood small screen star, having just wrapped another series as Winona Ryder's eldest son in "Stranger Things", was on crutches. I assumed he'd been doing his own stunts, but no he'd torn knee ligaments playing with his 5 year old son, Archie! Chris has moved from Walthamstow to Northwold Road, a stone's throw from the theatre...I promised to let him know when the show was up and running. Back to the theatre with my KFC burger and fries, then worked on the lengthy Act3 Sc4...running out of oomph by 2200 when we packed up. Drove home for a soak in the bath...

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