Thursday 14 April 2022

Thursday 14th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until Aki brought in a mug of tea. She was up and about as she had to prepare for a site visit to Balham, and headed off at 1015 for southern climes. I walked down to Angel via Highbury Fields, in the sunshine. Bought fish at Steve Hatt's on Essex Road, and some veal meatballs from the butcher next door. I got a bus down to Finsbury, and popped in at the Magic shop on Clerkenwell Road to enquire of their stock of whoopee cushions. Purchased the bog standard Fart 0.1...will try out at the next rehearsal! Got two buses back to the Odeon, and walked home. Prepared lunch...Aki still at site, so had mine on my own. Aki got home for a late lunch at 1500. Popped out late afternoon to the chemist to pick up fresh supplies of statin, and bought some dill and spinach...Aki wanting to make dill soup. Called in on Six at No.29 to look over the fencing gear he had earlier intimated he was willing to lend me for the Twelfth Night duel scene. Came home with a left-handed foil, a sabre, and a head mask. Cooked pan fried salmon for dinner, with buttered dill potatoes, vegetables, and IKEA's lemon and dill sauce. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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