Wednesday 20 April 2022

Wednesday 20th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until 0830, then sat up in bed and did some line learning ahead of tonight's rehearsal. Pottered about not doing very much this morning. Aki did some gardening out front, while I did the vacuuming. Made lunch of poached eggs on avocado toast with side salad. My shokupan toasts up nicely. Aki cycled off to the Japanese Embassy. I ambled down Seven Sisters Road and bought a lanyard for my sunglasses. Lovely afternoon. Made some pasta for tonight's dinner, which we had with the mushroom sauce I'd made a couple of days ago. Drove over to Stoke Newington for this evening's rehearsals. Traffic dreadful, so got there 10 minutes late . Worked on Act 1 Sc3, and Act 4 Sc1...took some props and costume substitutes with me to try out, as they'll affect my timing. Tried out my fart cushion. Ended up not using it for my opening scene, but held in abeyance until we get to the party scene. It all felt a bit stiff this evening...everyone either struggling for lines, or struggling to recall positioning in the space. Useful work, though. Got home by 2200. Watched the News, and MOTD...then bath and bed!

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