Wednesday 13 April 2022

Wednesday 13th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until Aki brought me a mug of tea, then did a bit of line learning in bed. Got up and toasted yesterday's failed was very thick and heavy, in contrast to the light and fluffy texture I endeavoured to re-create. But it went down well slathered in nutella and mashed banana. Aki departed for Brighton, so I did some more line learning, focussing on Act 4, which we won't get to rehearse until next week. Worked through The Wind & The Rain to try and get a handle on some percussive effects, and had a bash on the cajon. Chicken salad for lunch, then walked up to Elthorne Park for my appointment with my ENT specialist. Ears look good, wax to remove, so he agreed to let another six months go by until the next meet. Walked across to Crouch Hill rail station and printed off the rail tickets to Hastings at the machine on the platform, then popped in to Tesco on Stroud Green Road. Got home and made a batch of homemade mushroom ketchup...used a couple of tablespoons for my mushroom and garlic pasta dish for dinner. Aki got home around 1830, just in time for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

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