Thursday 21 April 2022

Thursday 21st April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until 0900, then worked on lines in bed for awhile. Started work at the computer at 0945, finishing off some research on stock I saw a couple of weeks ago. Talked to Andy Garrett on the phone to try and chase up some work...he sent me three projects! So suddenly got rather busier than I'd anticipated. He said there was talk of a charabanc cmoing to see one of the matinees!!! Aki finished off the pizza in the oven, which we had for lunch with some salad and cous-cous. Aki nipped out to the shop mid-afternoon, and came back with some red wine for me to use in my tomato, cumin, and cinnamon sauce. Pan fried the veal meatballs to go with the sauce, and served them with rice and vegetables. Watched MasterChef while Aki partook of a zoom meet with a bunch of girl friends of Katherine (from No.127), who are organising a hen night! Gave Steve Coogan's new comedy drama, "Chivalry", a go...can't say we were hooked by episode 1. Bath and bed...

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