Monday 11 April 2022

Monday 11th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Too weary to haul myself out of bed until gone 0900. Porridge for breakfast. Did a bit of line learning after breakfast. Working on the mammoth Act3 Sc4 again tonight. Spent a few minutes watching a very busy pair of robins building and feathering a nest in our ivy in the back garden, just a couple of meters from the back door. It's only about 1 metre off the ground, which is a bit worrying...but fascinating to watch them hover like hummingbirds at the entrance for a few seconds before they disappear into the foliage. Aki's bean soup for lunch, with a couple of hunks of sourdough. Renewed my Senior Railcard, and booked train tickets to Hastings for our annual Easter trip. Felt very sleepy in the afternoon...could have quite happily nodded off on the sofa, but then my voice would be in tatters for this evening, so forced myself to stay awake! Aki went out to cut the hedge out front, while I made a tuna salad Nicoise for dinner. Headed for Stoke Newington just before 1900. I was able to park outside the theatre. Had a meeting with Laura, who is doing the costumes, then listened in as Tamara taught Bella a harmony to sing alongside Joel on "Come Away Death"...sounded beautiful. Did a stand up line run of Act 3 Sc2, then worked on bits of Act3 Sc4, as Sophie hadn't been able to come last night due to a feline emergency! Drove home, getting in around 2240 just as Aki was running the bath...

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