Tuesday 26 April 2022

Tuesday 26th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up around 0815 and made tea, which we had in bed...I did a bit of line-learning before getting up and doing some work at the computer. Headed off to south London at 1000. Bumped into Andrew outside No.49...they are expecting their Ukrainian refugees on Thursday! Did inspections in Streatham, then on to Battersea...the majority of the property at the latter location were on a large 1874 housing estate, which must surely be a Conservation Area. Intrigued to know whether it was originally built by the Peabody Trust. Aki's tasty dill soup for lunch. Ended the day in West Kensington, at a late Victorian block of flats opposite Queen's Club. Got home at 1645, and did some more work at the computer before dinner. Aki did tarragon chicken with orzo and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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