Wednesday 6 April 2022

Wednesday 6th April 2022

Woke around 0700. Dozed until 0830. Got up and made tea. Set to work at the computer writing up what I'd seen yesterday. Broke to make lunch. Avocado toast with poached egg and Parma ham, and some salad. Aki ventured outside to clean the front window. I did some lines in preparation for tonight's rehearsal, and practised the mandolin and tin whistle parts to "Wind & The Rain". Then a quick thunder storm passed overhead! Did some more work at the computer monitor before breaking for an early dinner. I made mushroom and anchovy sauce, which we had with some pasta and vegetables. Drove to Stoke Newington for an 1830 rehearsal meet at The Tower Theatre. Worked on all the big scenes we've blocked out so far, by way of reminder. It was a long night! Looking in good shape though, methinks. A lot of line learning to do in preparation for Sunday evening's rehearsal. Got home around 1045. Aki just about to get in the bath. I followed not far behind...

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