Thursday 28 April 2022

Wednesday 27th April 2022

Woke to sounds on the bedroom roof at around 0630. Went on for an hour. Eventually got up, dressed, and put the ladder up, but no sign of anything animal, vegetable or mineral! I did see a blackbird flay off, but couldn't be sure where it had come form. Noticed an umbrella on the roof above the extension, which is blocking the DWP hopper! Where the hell did that come from? Will have to get the neighbour to get on his roof and lean over the parapet to pick it up. Worked at the computer until 1230. Walked over to Girasole to get something to warm up for lunch, and bought some vine eyes at the DIY shop. Aki back for lunch...lasagna and salad, and half a tomato muffin. Spent an hour or so drilling holes in the external wall behind the wisteria plant, and screwed in some vine eyes, linking them with wire for the climber to climb up....hopefully. Aki made an apple strudel, having been inspired by Rick Stein's visit to Vienna. 

Warmed up the Spanish fish and bean stew for dinner, followed by apple strudel and custard. Drove off to Stoke Newington at 1815 for this evening's rehearsals. Was only required for the first half hour, and the last half hour, so had to kill a couple of hours in between. Bought some snacks and sat in the car listening to Liverpool v Villareal on the radio. Helena the pedantic stage manager we were introduced to last week has been replaced by the redoubtable Laurence Tuerk...much preferred choice! Got home around 2230. 

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