Tuesday 12 April 2022

Tuesday 12th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed on until Aki appeared with a mug of tea around 0830, then sat up in bed going through my lines. Started making the shokupan...but the recipe got the amount of milk to add in wrong, and I hadn't seen the correction, so the dough was very dry and quite hard...tried rescuing it in the food processor, then adding the missing amount of milk, and set it to rise near the front window, with fingers crossed. Korean vegetable pancakes for lunch, with fried egg. Took a late afternoon hike up Highgate Hill, stopping for a photo op at the byre outside the church halfway up the hill. Got home only to find that my shokupan hadn't risen, unlike Christ the Lord...rolled it up anyhow, and stuck it in the oven. Looked edible when they came out, but decided to save them for breakfast. Aki cooked chicken and lotus root patties for dinner, with rice and vegetables, and a soy sauce. Watched "MasterChef" and an episode of "Seinfeld" before bath and bed...

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