Friday 8 April 2022

Friday 8th April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until 0830 when Aki brought me a mug of tea. Did some line learning in bed until 1030. Made some lunch prior to Aki heading off to Balham for a site visit. I nipped out to William Hill to put some money on a couple of horses for tomorrow's Grand National, then walked up the A1 to the Sainsburys mini to get some mushrooms, milk and cream to make tonight's pasta sauce. Car on it's roof on Seven Sisters Road outside The Drapery...couldn't see any other vehicle involved, so gawd knows how it managed to flip over like that. Police and fire crew in attendance, but I couldn't see any driver or passengers...may be the ambulance had already carted them off! Cooked dinner, which we had with lasagna cut up into tagliatelle strips. Ben and Gayu came round for us at 1930 and we walked over to The Pleasance Theatre in North Road to see *Dirty Corsets", a three-hander written by the cast set in the tawdry theatrical world of 17th Century Restoration was a disappointment...narratively chaotic, and difficult to follow, despite the hard work of the actors. Wandered home afterward, getting back around 2130. 

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