Thursday 31 March 2022

Thursday 31st March 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until 0830. Aki got up to prepare for a site visit to Balham. I got up and made coffee. Spent most of my morning trying to find the best way to play "Rain & The Wind" in the key of D, rather than in G that I had been using...Feste now wants to try it there to make his life easier on the guitar part...I'm trying to find a way of playing it in Open D tuning. Broke for lunch at 1300. Aki got back for her lunch at 1400. Transferred my attentions to trying to plot the song out in DADGAD tuning during the afternoon...slow going. Warmed up the leftover goulash for dinner, which we had with penne and pan fried aubergine slices. Drove to Stoke Newington in the snow! Only a light sprinkling, but it gone blown about a bit in a cold wind. Rehearsed in the theatre space this evening, which made a pleasant change. Worked on Act 2 Sc5, in which Sir Toby and his pals listen in on Malvolio reading the forged letter from Olivia...lots of comic should be a hoot! Home by 2230 for bath and bed.

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