Friday 22 April 2022

Friday 22nd April 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki up early to prepare herself for a trip to the Rowing Club. She brought me a mug of tea. I got up at 0830 and made porridge. Aki cycled off to Springfield Park. I did some work, then left for inspections in central London. Decided to travel in by bus, so caught the No.271 from Holloway Road, getting off at Old Street, and walking to Whitecross Street and the Peabody Estate there. Broke for an early lunch around 1230, and walked down to The Barbican, and had a chicken shwarma wrap in the Canteen.

Walked down to St Paul's and got a tube to Holborn, then walked to the Wild Street Estate, hard by the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. The sun was shining, so I had myself a coffee and a coconut slice at a pleasant little coffee house on Great Queen Street, opposite the Masonic Grand Lodge. Got home around 1500 and uploaded my photos, and wrote up the inspection sheets etc. Aki warmed up the aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, with a cauliflower cheese on the side, then we walked down to Upper Street to see Simona's play, on at the Kings Head Theatre. It was OK...difficult subject, but the whole thing felt a little twee...certainly the design, and the performances. Afew Tower Theatre faces in the audience, including the actresses playing Malvolia, and Viola. But we didn't stick around afterward, as we wanted to get back for the Procession of The Icons, an annual Easter related event practised by the Greek Orthodox church next door to our flat...we followed them round the block, and then watched as the entire congregation walked under the byre and re-entered the church, the smell of incense wafting up and down Sussex Way.

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