Thursday 7 April 2022

Thursday 7th April 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Got up to make tea at 0830. Had my bowl of chocolate flavoured porridge at the computer. Worked through until lunch time. Aki made a soup for lunch, using cooked beans as a base, and adding milk, spinach and broccoli. Very tasty! Didn't have much work to do this afternoon, so reverted to line learning in preparation for Sunday's rehearsals. Set off for Hackney around 1630, walking down Holloway Road to catch a train from Highbury & Islington, but they were delayed, so got a train to Dalston Junction, and had time to walk from there. The restaurant, Pidgin, is a rather small establishment on trendy Wilton Way, and the interior was disappointing. The food was OK, but didn't blow us away...lots of small tasting plates (I pitied the poor washer-upper!). I enjoyed the wild garlic soup with an egg in the middle, and the teriyaki quail legs, but at £65 a head we expected better. Ambled back to Dalston, and from thence the Highbury Corner by train, and then No.43 bus back up to Lower Holloway. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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