Tuesday 1 March 2022

Tuesday 1st March 2022

Yay...it's Pancake Day!!! Got up and made pancake batter, and whipped up some cream, which I mashed into some banana. Eaten with a dollop of cream, chopped hazelnuts, dried sour cherries, strawberry, and maple syrup. Worked at the computer until lunchtime. Warmed up two portions of minestrone soup for lunch. It was OK...not as good as I was hoping, which is a shame, as we've got another eight portions to plough through! FaceTimed ma and pa...dad suffering with blocked ears, so could only wave. More depressing news from Ukraine, as a 40-mile convoy of Russian military hardware snakes it's way toward Kyiv. Worked till 1730. Made a sauce for some aubergine ravioli for dinner, followed by the last of the apple crumble and custard. Watched some FA Cup football...enjoyed Middlesbrough's performance as they knocked out Spurs. Unremittingly depressing news from Ukraine...my 88 year old mother offered to take up arms and go assassinate Ras-Putin...we are organising a whip round to get her on a plane to Moscow at the earliest opportunity...glory to the Motherland!!! 

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