Saturday 19 March 2022

Saturday 19th March 2022

Woke at 0800. Got up and made tea, which we drank in bed listening to Saturday Live! Siobhan McSweeney was on talking about her role in "Holding", which we'd watched during the week. Porridge for breakfast, as we were going out for lunch. Cycled over to Stoke Newington, where Bee lives...she'd cooked up a tasty Thai curry for lunch, and I was reunited with the "PMQ" cast, and George, our director. Matthew had brought his wife Kate along, and Bee had also invited Rosanna, who had directed one of the other shorts. I'd found her fiver on the floor as I left the theatre last night! A pleasant meal, with some shared feedback on one or two Tower members who appear to be developing reputations as local 'divas', which proved interesting! Cycled home...Aki veered off toward Islington Green to visit the butcher on Essex Road, while I cycled home, then walked to Waitrose to get some items to make tomorrow's lunch. Made a mushroom and anchovy pasta sauce for dinner. Watched the rather moving penultimate episode of "This is Going to Hurt"...shocked by the suicide of the young female trainee doctor! Followed that with "Holding", and another episode of "Seinfeld", which matures like a classy wine.

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