Sunday 20 March 2022

Sunday 20th March 2022

Woke around 0900. Hauled ourselves out of bed. Made an omelette for breakfast, with ham and salad. We alerted Nick, who was due to pay us a visit for his Sunday lunch, to the fact that Aki was feeling a little under the weather, and that a contact had tested positive, but he opted to take the risk. Aki kept her distance, and went to bed once Nick had turned up. He'd brought his guitar, but we didn't get much playing done. Instead he talked through his multifarious mental health issues...he is bi-polar, and has been institutionalised. He related his travails with someone at the Tower Theatre, with whom he had a brief fling, which she ended without explanation, and the after effects have been rumbling on, dragging numerous Tower members into it's toxic aftermath! Rather regretted having invited him round!!! He now seems to think I'm his best friend!!! I surmise he's about to have his theatre membership terminated....we'll see what happens! Sad, really, as he's intelligent, and not un-talented, and confesses to feeling lonely...but he obviously has issues, and props himself up with cigarettes and alcohol. I cooked up roast chicken with sumac, lemon, and zaatar, with roast potatoes and vegetables, followed by tiramisu. Aki had her dinner on a tray in bed. Nick left around 1600, and I washed up. Watched Forest take on Liverpool in the FA Cup quarter-final...they put on a good show, but went down 2-0 to the Reds. Made a light evening meal...smashed avocado on toast, with salad, and a chunk of Comte. Watched the final episode of "This is Going to Hurt"...well made, but a grim watch! 

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