Sunday 27 March 2022

Sunday 27th March 2022

Woke at 0730...but as the clocks went forward last night, it's now 0830 already! Got up around 0900 and cooked breakfast, then abluted and trimmed my burgeoning beard. Took a LFT prior to heading off for rehearsals...proved negative. Aki holding back for the moment, planning to take a test tomorrow to see if she can honour her dental appointment next week. Drove over to Stoke Newington for afternoon rehearsals. Whole company was gathered this afternoon to do a bit of bonding through some impro to learn everyone's names. Most left at 1600, and we rehearsed Act I Sc5 until 1815...I've only got four lines in it, but it requires some very drunk acting. Joel (Feste) and Ruth (Malvolia) both excellent in the scene...Sangita as Maria is shaping up very well...Sophie's Olivia needs a more sombre aspect in keeping with her mourning weeds, but hopefully that can be teased out of her as rehearsals progress. Decamped to Tamara's flat thereafter with Joel and Matthew. Tamara has composed some original music for the show, and Joel's guitar skills are top notch...really good. He's going to be terrific in the show. Gave Feiyang a lift to Finsbury Park, and got home around 2100. Aki still up and about...she doesn't look ill...hopefully she'll get a negative test result tomorrow and treat herself to some fresh air!

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