Monday 28 March 2022

Monday 28th March 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730...dozed until 0830, then did a bit of line learning in bed. Chocolate porridge for breakfast. Aki feeling better, but still testing positive. I downloaded a line learning app onto the iphone, and recorded my first's quite useful. It reminded me when I did my first amateur production in Basildon, I recorded all my scenes on a cassette recorder, leaving gaps for me to fill with my it was a five month rehearsal period, I knew everybody else's lines by the time we went up, as well as my own, which came in handy on a couple of occassions when the chap playing my butler jumped ahead a couple of pages...I was able to bring the scene back to where it needed to be! Fried some sardines for lunch, with potato, salad, and avocado toasts. Did a bit more line learning during the afternoon. Popped out to Poundland to get Aki some rubber gloves. Warmed up the mabo and rice for dinner, with pak choi and leeks. Spent a bit of time working through a couple of the songs for Twelfth Night. Tamara had sent me the dots, but I had to add the lyrics, working out which note to apply to which syllable by listening to the mp3 she'd made. It was a torturous process, and will be difficult for cast members to follow it, but I'm sure we'll get there, slowly! 

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