Saturday 5 March 2022

Saturday 5th March 2022

Woke around 0900 and listened to Saturday Live. They had Andy McCluskey on, from OMD, talking about exhibiting his collection of the work of painter Maurice Wade...he was a Potteries man, and painted the canals and pot banks...I'd never heard of him. Paintings looked exquisite online...maybe we'll pop up there for the exhibition!? Cooked breakfast...the polenta stuck to the frying pan, so we thought it time to ditch it for a new one...Aki looked up some Which? recommendations. Rain stayed away, so we took a walk to Stroud Green and bought some items in Green & Glory. Colder out there than I'd anticipated...bit of a strong breeze coming in from the north. Did an hour or so's work at the computer. Jane and Carlos rang the doorbell at 1900, and we accompanied them on the short walk to Girasole for dinner. Eglal, the proprietor of the Italian cafe, a favourite haunt on Seven Sisters Road, hosts an evening dinner menu once or twice a week...there were the four of us, another couple, and three others, in all. We partook of four courses...very impressed by the egg do you fry a yolk without it's albumen? That was followed by a very tasty seafood risotto with mussels and clams. The main course was baked cod, followed by a delicious dessert of gnocchetti, stuffed with white chocolate and pistachio, served hot with ice profiteroles, but ten times better!!! Jane and Carlos looked well...they are planning a trip to the US to visit family in May. Walked them home. Bath and bed...

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