Wednesday 30 March 2022

Tuesday 29th March 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Dozed until 0830. Aki got up to take a call from her Balham project client. I did some line learning in bed before getting up to make coffee. Pottered about trying, and failing, to work out some guitar chords as backing for a couple of the Twelfth Night songs. Fortunately, Tamara the composer sent fresh copy over with the chords on...just in time! Made some lunch, then popped out to do a bit of shopping...bough daikon at the Chinese shop round the corner, then went to Michael's greengrocers for aubergines, then on to Morrisons, and finally to Waitrose on the Holloway Road. Cooked a roast aubergine goulash for was OK...not as meaty as a meat goulash, but then that was the point of the exercise. Aki downloaded a French film, "Le Famille Belier", made in 2015, and pinched by Hollywood to be re-made as "CODA", which one an Oscar or two last night. It was a pretty thin script, but had its' enjoyable moments, and the finale had us both snivelling into some tissue! 

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