Wednesday 30 March 2022

Wednesday 30th March 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730, and dozed in bed till 0830. Got up and made porridge. Spent the morning working on "The Wind & The Rain", our finale song...hard work! I think I'm just about there, though....just need to learn the lyrics by heart. Made a ham salad lunch, with toast, and Aki's freshly made hummus. Did some exercises after lunch, and worked on the scene we are due to rehearse this evening. Aki tested negative this afternoon, so we decided to go out for a walk, as she had been housebound for 10 days. Walked up to Crouch Hill and had coffee and cake in a little cafe that recently opened in the old ticket office at Crouch Hill station. Quite nicely done. Walked back home via Shaftesbury Road, and Aki baked trout for dinner, which we ate with potatoes and green beans. Had to wolf it down as I needed to get off to rehearsal. Traffic on the Seven Sisters Road terrible at present, due to on-going waterworks at Finsbury Park. But got to Stoke Newington just before 1900 and parked outside the theatre. Worked on the drunken party scene, Act 2 Sc3, this evening. It went well. Loads of comic detail already, which bodes well. Improvised a drunken sing-a-long around a fire on the beach, which saw us bellowing out Maggie May. Good fun. I had a vocal problem toward the end of the rehearsal...a sliver of black pepper from my dinner lodged itself on my vocal cord, and I had to stop and drink water...rather threw me off for the last 10 minutes of the rehearsal, but my voice seemed fine in the aftermath. Most of the gang went off to the pub round the corner, but I drove home. Got in around 2230. Bath and bed.

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