Sunday 6 March 2022

Sunday 6th March 2022

Woke around 0800 and got up to make tea. Aki cooked breakfast. Took a late morning hike up Highgate Hill for a coffee and a slice of cake in Waterlow Park. Sun soon disappeared to be replaced by darkening skies. Walked back home Spent an hour or so practising our jigs and reels prior to this evening's get-together in the North Nineteen. Kath FaceTimed us...she had ma and pa round for lunch. They all looked quite drunk! Walked up to the North Nineteen...good turn out, with Kath on cello, George on flute, Aki on guitar, and Ben, Christine and Lorraine on violins. God knows what the locals in the snug make of it!?! Came home for us dinner, and I did an hour's work at the computer before bath and bed...early start tomorrow morning, as Aki needs a lift up to North Finchley, and I need to get the car in for a service in Colindale.

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