Monday 21 March 2022

Monday 21st March 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and took a lateral flow test...which confirmed her as positive! Half the Book Club have now got covid...who'd have thought reading could be so dangerous!? I got up and made tea. No sign of any work in the pipeline, save for a small job for Apna Ghar HA, which will only take me a couple of days. Learnt a bit of script, then did my voice exercises, before cooking up a light lunch. Aki had hers' in bed on a tray. I ambled over to Waitrose in the afternoon sunshine to get some ingredients for an aubergine parmigiana lasagna. Tried FaceTiming ma and pa, but the app infers that Margaret is no longer hooked up to FaceTime...she must have accidentally pressed something last time. No joy FaceTiming Kath either. Cooked the lasagna for dinner, with some grilled asparagus and broccoli. Aki sat up at the table. Watched a bit of telly. Managed to FaceTime Kath, but she and Jim were just settling down for University Challenge, so we left them to it. FaceTimed Lou in Worthing...she's planning a trip to Japan so wants to hook up to pick Aki's brains. Suggested she come and see "Twelfth Night"'s the play I met her on forty years ago, at North London Poly...she stage managed the London run, but didn't come out to Malta with us. I played Sir Andrew Aguecheek. Early bath, and bed.

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