Monday 14 March 2022

Monday 14th March 2022

Woke at 0430 to visit the loo...was kept awake for the next hour or so by the sound of the boiler firing up every ten minutes. It shouldn't be coming on during the night. Eventually got back to sleep, but had a long lie in. Got up and made a large coffee. Aki at the computer, so I read through my script again, making changes where I need to refer to Malvolia as 'she', rather than 'he', which I did on occassion at the read through last night. Aki made ramen soup for lunch, and we tried the's very buttery, and the buttery bits are solid rather than creamy. We decided to freeze it and see if it works as a Vienetta style cake!?! I ended my relationship with Esure, and bought car insurance from Churchill...saved me £400!!! Ridiculous!!! Aki went out for a cycle ride to Clissold Park...I walked up to the dry cleaners' to give him a pair of trousers to take up for me. Did a bit of work at the computer before making dinner....warmed up the chorizo and bean stew, and made some mashed potato. Drove to Stoke Newington for a 1900 rehearsal. Worked up Act 1 Sc first scene, with Maria, played by Sangita Mogdil, and Sir Andrew Aguecheek, played by Matthew Ibbotson. Some nice ideas, and the scene is shaping up well. As I enter ostensibly from the beach, it was suggested I enter in swimming trunks and a towel...ample opportunity for some comic business!!! Got home around 2230...dropped Emma at Manor House, and Feiyang at Finsbury Park. Watched Newsnight from Warsaw...very impressive city Mayor on saying that the UK's refugee system was too slow to react to the reality on the ground, and they need urgent assistance!

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