Tuesday 22 March 2022

Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki had had a fitful night's sleep, interrupted by several bouts of coughing. But her symptoms remain mild. Got up and made porridge for breakfast. Did some exercises in the front room. Warmed up some homemade minestrone soup for lunch, taking Aki's in on a tray, as she's languishing in bed. Walked to Waitrose...lovely day. Sun was out, and it felt very Spring-like. Did some line-learning when I got home. Grilled hake in parma ham for dinner, with puy lentils and yoghurt. Watched the third episode of "Holding"...Brenda Fricker is amazing in it...she had a long almost Beckettian monologue, but the west Cork accent made it virtually impenetrable...it's a shame ITV don't supply subtitles! Relatively early to bath and bed...

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