Monday 28 February 2022

Monday 28th February 2022

Alarm at 0730…fitful night’s sleep. Dreamt I had to drive to a pharmacy in heavy rain, but was refused what I needed as I didn’t have a prescription. Bumped into a cyclist in the car park afterward and damaged his bike…he insisted I repair it but I didn’t have my tools with me! Can't believe February is coming to an end already...blimey, it'll soon be Christmas! It was past 0900 by the time I hauled myself out of bed. Had some breakfast then did some exercises. Didn't start work till 1130, as my work laptop has finally expired, and Aki was on the computer. Broke for a light lunch...Aki drove off to Waitrose early afternoon. Broke again at 1800. Fish curry and rice for dinner. Tried FaceTiming ma and pa, but no reply....must be watching "Vera". I spent most of the evening cooking up a minestrone soup recipe. Loads of vegetable dicing involved...I'm now suffering from dicer's elbow! There's loads of soup, though it looks more like a stew...should keep us going for weeks! 

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