Tuesday 8 March 2022

Tuesday 8th March 2022

Fitful night's sleep, but woke to alarm at 0730. Got up and made tea, and heated up some minestrone soup for my packed lunch. Headed for east London this morning, then on to the Isle of Dogs. Filled up with petrol at Sainsbury's in Charlton...£148.9 per litre! Not too bad...saw it going for £179.9 at a Texaco garage in Westferry!!! Stopped off at M&S to pick up some extra lunch items, then headed for Ashstead. Happened upon a Ukrainian flag fluttering in the breeze in someone's front garden! Ended the day in Leatherhead and environs, before driving home. Got back to Holloway at 1930. Aki had cooked some trout, which we ate with cous-cous. Nowt on telly, so revised my lines for Sir Toby ahead of Sunday's read through of Twelfth Night...there's a lot to get under my belt!!! Moving scenes from the House of Commons on the Ten O'Clock News, as President Zelensky addressed Parliament. 

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