Friday 18 March 2022

Friday 18th March 2022

Alarm at 0730. Putin's dirty war continues unabated. Got up around 0900 and made tea and porridge. Looks like another sunshiny day today. Aki had to go visit Howden's Kitchens on behalf of her client. I stayed home and did some exercises. Put lunch together from yesterday's lunchtime leftovers. Nipped out to Tesco to get some milk in the afternoon sunshine. We cooked an aubergine parmigiana for dinner...different recipe to our usual, which added fried panko, mixed with parmesan, oregano and basil. It was good. Drove to Stoke Newington, with Kev from No.93 in tow, to see the Tower Theatre production of "Bouncers". Bumped into Nick Hall in the bar...he's coming over on Sunday to play some guitar and have his Sunday lunch. The show was pretty good, especially the choreographed set pieces, but the actors didn't find the right level of menace in their bouncer guises...needed a bit more oomph. Kev seemed to enjoy it very much. We shared a beer with him in the bar afterward, and then drove him to his door at No.93.

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