Thursday 17 March 2022

Wednesday 16th March 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki brought me a mug of tea and I listened to Today on the radio. Sounds as if a breakthrough in talks between Ukraine and Russia may be imminent, but nobody holding their breath. Did a couple of hours work at the computer. It's all gone very quiet glad of a bit of a rest after a frantic couple of months! Aki cycled off to Barnsbury to get some tile samples. She got back just as it began to rain. Minestrone soup for lunch. Did some voice exercises and sang some Simon & Garfunkel. Aki did a shift on the Japanese 'Samaritans' text chat line she joined this year. Noticed that a load of Saharan red sand had landed on the skylight! That'll need cleaning! Warmed up the chicken and rice that had been in the fridge for a couple of days, for dinner. Watched episode 1 of "Holding" on ITV Hub...a gentle bucolic police procedural set in a sleepy village in West Cork...and based on the novel by Graham Norton! Beautifully directed by Kathy Burke...

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