Wednesday 9 March 2022

Wednesday 9th March 2022


Woke to alarm at 0730. Hauled myself out of bed, and made tea and porridge, as well as a packed lunch. Headed back to Surrey to do more inspections...stopped for a coffee at Betchworth Stores, then drove to Dorking. Parked up in Waitrose in the town centre, and walked round the town centre stock...mostly flats in various small infill developments. Broke for lunch and called in on retired Savills boss, Geoff, and his wife. Ate my packed lunch in their kitchen, and had a quick catch up...Geoff certainly seems to be enjoying his retirement, and doesn't miss Savills. He ran a surveying concern in Moscow in the 1990s, and said he felt for his former comrades, who certainly wouldn't be supporting Putin's war in Ukraine. Headed south of Dorking after lunch, ending the working day in Charlwood, to the west of Gatwick, before turning for home. Got back home around 1900. Aki had cooked a Spanish style chorizo and bean stew for dinner. Watched a bit of telly, including a QT special on the Ukraine crisis. Can't say the panel had any answers that might contribute to a halt in the current situation. Bath and bed...

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