Friday 18 March 2022

Thursday 17th March 2022

Alarm at 0730. News was headlined by the arrival of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe at Brize Norton after 6 years detention in Iran...some good news, for a change. Sunshiny day outside. Aki went off to Balham to meet her client. I did some exercises then took a walk up to Archway and bought some treats for lunch. A few people sat outside The Landseer in the sunshine…should have had lunch there! Got up on the roof, via the neighbours’ upstairs flat, after lunch to clean the Sahara desert off of the skylight. Warmed up the last of the Spanish stew for dinner, which we had with mashed potato and puréed swede. Book Club meet this evening at No.38 to talk over “Nowhere Man”.  New member, George from No.127, was celebrating his birthday, so a cake appeared, which was washed down with Guinness as a mark of respect to St Patrick. Everyone seemed to have gotten something out of "Nowhere Man", except poor old Dulcie, who had given up about halfway in. We chose "Fleischman is in Trouble" by Taffy Brodesser-Akner as our next read.

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