Saturday 12 March 2022

Saturday 12th March 2022

Woke around 0730. Got up and made tea. Cooked Turkish eggs for breakfast, with salad and toast. Took a walk up Highgate Hill. Bought ices and ate them on a bench in Waterlow Park, before heading back down to Archway to do a little shopping on our way back to Sussex Way. Finished "Nowhere Man"...really rather enjoyed it after a slow start...the writing seemed to get better as the rather odd narrative progressed. Interesting artist...felt I'd like to know more. Aki's Croatian friend, Anna, says she went to school with him, though he was the year above her. Aki steamed some dim sum for starters this evening, and I cooked a main of linguine with anchovy, chard and chilli sauce. Shared one of Aki's homemade chocolate puds, with a dollop of cream on top. Watched the Netflix series, The Diaries of Andy Warhol...interesting insights into the man himself, plucked from the diaries he kept over the final ten years or so of his life. I'd forgotten he'd been shot! He was really lucky to survive his injuries...he was five hours on the operating table!

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