Friday 4 March 2022

Thursday 3rd March 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up around 0830 for porridge, and sat down in front of the computer once more. Broke for lunch...Aki cooked up a sweet aduki bean soup with rice cakes. She waltzed off to Morrisons after lunch to get some bits and pieces for the aubergine dahl recipe what she's cooking up tonight. Kath FaceTimed us as we were about to sit down to eat. She's been over working again...and was complaining of the hike in petrol prices...she doesn't get travel expenses for driving to her clients! Outrageous, really! Jim was at his computer...he's been signing up for various sporting activities, which sounds like a hopeful sign. Watched a bit of telly...the news from Ukraine gets darker by the day...before bath and bed.

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