Thursday 10 March 2022

Thursday 10th March 2022

Alarm at 0730. Brought a mug of tea to bed and listened to R4 for a bit. Read some more "Nowhere Man" to the final furlong now. Aki off to central London for lunch with the JCUK gang...their much delayed Christmas gathering. Spent the morning at the computer writing up the notes on what I'd seen over the past two days. Broke for lunch, then back to the coal face. Broke at 1600 for a zoom meeting with Emma, Joel (Feste), Tamara, our composer, and Fang, to talk through the music we are planning to include in the show. Looking forward to getting to work on it. Aki came home around 1730. Broke to watch the News. Warmed up the lentil ragu I'd put in the freezer last week, which we ate with tagliatelle, and some vegetables. Watched Nigella...particularly taken with her lemon and elderflower drizzle pudding! I downloaded and printed off the recipe! Did a bit of work on the C&W song we're planning to use in the show, then bath and bed...

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