Thursday 24 March 2022

Thursday 24th March 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed to the radio until 0900. Aki got up and discovered the tap to the bathroom sink had been running all night...lucky we're not on a water meter, and that it was the cold rather than the hot tap!!! Kath FaceTimed from Renee's...sounds like she'd had a tough week with a couple of client-side silage incidents! She said Jim had been on the waggon for two weeks now, and was looking in good shape. He's been helping out with the cooking and stuff lately. Aki not feeling too bad...still a bit of a cough, which mainly manifests itself when she's lying down, but other than that the affliction has been fairly mild. Spent three quarters of an hour on the phone to IT trying to get my scan to email working on my Savills printer. Only managed to get it to send a scan to the laptop...but I can then attach the resultant pdf to any email. Warmed up the quiche I'd bought yesterday, and griddled some lettuce and potatoes to go with it...had to wake Aki up, as she'd nodded off on the sofa. The valuer got in touch with us regarding the freehold purchase. They have advised we accept the final figure of £20,000 for the two leasehold interests. The upstairs neighbour emailed the valuer to say she was happy to accept £20, I thought, she thinks it should be a straight 50/50 split, when in actual fact the valuations suggest a 60/40 split, our flat being smaller, and the interest being of slightly less value, as her ground rent is stepped. So I emailed the valuer stating that, based on the initial valuation report, this would infer a split of £12,000/£8,000, to which the upstairs neighbour replied stating that £10,000 was her maximum. I pointed out, therefore, that we would be willing to pay no more than £7,000 for our share of the freehold...I knew she'd put a spanner in the works, as she doesn't understand the valuation principles at play. I spoke to the valuer, who said it was highly unlikely that they would sell for less than £20,000, and I agreed. The valuer will go back to Lynne to explain the principles involved, and that a lease extension would cost her at least £12,000...a lease extension may be the only way forward, though, if her upstairs is going to dig her heels in. See what happens next! Went for my constitutional...walked through to Stroud Green Road, popping in at Green & Glory to buy some vegetables, before walking on past Crouch Hill railway station...where there appears to be a new tapas bar...will have to try it out one lunch time. Cherry blossom out in Sussex Way...very Oriental! Cooked a one-pot chicken chasseur for dinner...very tasty. Email from Lynne upstairs, saying she'd taken note of our email correspondence with the valuer, and was willing to accept a 60/40 split...hurrah! Hopefully, it will soon be sorted once and for all!

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