Sunday 13 March 2022

Sunday 13th March 2022

Woke early...had a bit of toothache in my lower jaw, which stuck around for most of the morning. Aki cooked omelette for breakfast. Bit of a grey day outside. Loaded my guitar and cajon into the car and drove off to Stoke Newington. Got to the theatre around 1245. I had a 1300 start for the Twelfth Night read-through in my phone diary, but no-one appeared. I checked the schedule print out to discover it wasn't til 1800...I got back in the car and drove home. FaceTimed ma and pa, who were hosting Jim and Kath for Sunday lunch. Everyone seemed in good fettle. Aki made a tiramisu, but over-whipped the cream, so it'll be a bit buttery. I made some raspberry spoom, then cooked chicken thighs with onion marmalade, carrots, cavolo nero, and rice. It was OK...but not sure I'll do it again. Not quite as tasty I was anticipating. Drove back to the theatre for the read-through. Emma got some simple introductory games going so we could start to get to know eachother. The read-through went well...I enjoyed myself. One or two rather weak voices, though, and one or two poor speakers of'll be interesting to see if Emma can knock 'em into shape. Retired to the Jolly Butcher for a half of Guinness afterward...only four of us went, though, which was a bit of a poor show. I gave Emma a lift back to Manor House, and dropped Feiyang and Paul at Finsbury Park. Aki was getting out of the bath as I entered the flat, so I dived in after her. Hopefully I'll get a lie in tomorrow morning...

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