Friday 1 July 2022

Thursday 30th June 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Listened to Today until 0900, then read some V.S.Naipaul. Got up and made porridge. Finished the novel over another mug of tea...I enjoyed it...Graham Greene meets Joseph Conrad, though the plotting isn't as strong. But it was evocative and engrossing. Aki cycled over to Stoke Newington to buy some jewellery for Leanda to mark her 60th birthday. I did a few hours work at the computer. Ham salad lunch. Watched Katie Boulter take on Karolina Pliskova and win. Made a simple broth to have some tortellini with, mixed with cabildo nero. Watched the first set of Jack Draper v Alex De Minaur…extraordinary hitting…brutally long rallies. Jack edged the first set. Had to interrupt our viewing and head up to Dulcie’s at No.110 for the Book Club meet. Half of us had finished the book, others still halfway through. General view was of an enjoyable, compelling though rather bleak read. Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” chosen for the next read. Got home around 2200 and caught up with the Jack Draper game via iPlayer. De Minaur bossed the next three sets with gobsmacking resilience…Jack threw the kitchen sink at him, but the Aussie kept throwing it right back…incredible!

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