Wednesday 13 July 2022

Tuesday 12th July 2022

Woke at 0645. Got up, as my back was giving me a bit of gip. Made myself a mug of tea. Aki got up and joined me for a bowl of porridge. I headed off in the motor to do some inspections for East End Homes, which took me to a large Council Estate in Mile End. Had to get out of the car a couple of times to take photos of high rise blocks from every angle. On one occassion I was almost run over on the pavement by a youth speeding at 20 mph on an electric bike...he shouted out a warning as he headed for me...I gave him a mouthful in return: "Pavements are for people....!!!", "I don't care...", came the response. Temperatures edging up toward 30C, and I'd forgotten to arm myself with a bottle of water. Headed on down to the Isle of Dogs, where I stopped for a bottle of water and an ice cream. Got home in time for a late lunch at 1400...wandered down Seven Sisters Road to get something for lunch at Girasole...and had to avoid a bloke on an e-scooter heading toward me at 25 mph! What's the matter with people!? Worked at the computer during the afternoon. Aki made a mango and chicken salad for dinner, followed by Aki's homemade raspberry tiramisu Watched "Undone" on Netflix, and an episode of "Seinfeld". 

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