Saturday 16 July 2022

Saturday 16th July 2022

Slow start this morning. Listened to Delia Smith on Saturday Live...hadn't known that she had baked the gaudy cake that featured on the Stones' 1969 'Let It Bleed' album cover. We decided to take a walk up Highgate Hill before temperatures started to rise. Bumped into Clare from No.79, and Gareth from No.120 came out to join us, before Kevin from No.93 bumped into us on returning from his park run on Hampstead Heath. He told us he'd been working on re-gilding a weather vane atop a church next door to The Guildhall...said it had been so hot yesterday he thought he was going to die! He's got to go back and finish the job on Monday!!! Wandered up the hill for brunch at Gail's Bakery, then back down the hill to pick up some dill to make a sauce for tonight's dinner. We then split, with Aki heading off to Waitrose, while I went to Tesco to get some sparkling water to put in the fridge. Bought the girl who sits outside selling the Big Issue a bottle of Fanta. Rang ma and pa, telling them that Huw Edwards had recommended we check up on the elderly during the coming heatwave. They were basking in a cool 22C, so didn't sound in need of much attention at present. Aki baked trout for dinner. I made a creamy dill sauce to go with it, and we had boiled potatoes and vegetables on the side. Watched Japanese film “Wheel of Fortune & Fantasy”, a portmanteau of three different tales of love and rejection. Caught up with golf highlights from St Andrew’s…Rory Mac holding steady at the top of the leaderboard with one round to go…

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