Wednesday 13 July 2022

Wednesday 13th July 2022

Got up at 0715 and made myself a mug of tea. Aki followed...she had been planning to go rowing this morning, but had whacked her elbow against a bath tap last night, which was still giving her gip this morning. I worked at the computer until lunchtime. Aki made a salad with smoked mackerel and sliced peach, for luncheon. More work at the computer this afternoon as the temperatures rose toward 30C. Broke at 1730 and did a little DIY, cutting tiles to make a little mini wall for the step into the has been out of action for nearly 2 years, and Aki is getting a bit desperate. It's not going to be a quick fix, though, and there is still an area of damp, which we now think is coming from a radiator pipe buried beneath the concrete! Aki cooked a carbonara for dinner. Watched a bit of telly...Mo Farah's extraordinarily moving tale of child exploitation and trafficking, and his search for his real identity.

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